Now that being said I don’t think Blizzard gave anything to SWTOR and to be honest I really don’t want them to lol. This is just a desperate act on Blizzards part. In the last earnings call for Blizzard they talked about how many Subs they had lost and felt they caused the problem with they’re last expansion but did say they were going to continue with their original plans. Also keep in mind that Pandarens have been requested by WOW players since Vanilla so I am thinking this is just a Marketing strategy for them to see if they can recover the loss and to keep who was thinking of leaving when the big wave of MMOs are released. Another attempt of trying to bring customers back is if you notice on their site which a lot of people are not looking at is that they announced they are tuning all the instances back to the way LK dungeons were. It’s in the fine print if you read the Expansion details lol. They also are offering Diablo 3 for free for the customers that had a registered acct on or before 10/18/11 and if you pay for a year contract for WOW. And with the large hype of Diablo 3 and them targeting the date of who can do this I see this being more of a WOW Vet perk.
Now let’s look at it from the view of Blizzard. Rift actually helped the gaming industry. I know Rift wasn’t the WOW killer that everyone wanted but up until Rift was released Blizzard didn’t have to worry about a whole lot because all the big titles that were coming out in the last 5 years were failing due to fast releases and/or Money issues. For example LORTO, Conan, Aion, Warhammer, Tabula Rasa and many more. So they seen no real threat. When Rift was put into Beta people were very surprised a game actually came out polished or in very good condition. Now take a look at SWTOR, the beta has gone really well so far and the game is in good condition. GW2 the same way of what i have heard and seen of leaked videos. I feel this is a great thing for the industry to help future titles be more successful. I won’t lie, I started to wonder if the new ideas that Dev's were coming up with were going to make it very far before Rift because everything that looked good just was to buggy and felt it was more of an Alpha beta. On top of it then the community just dragged it through the mud.
I am curious to see what everyone’s thoughts are on this, please leave a comment below on if you agree or disagree with my thoughts. Thanks for reading.
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